Genealogy Software Mac Free

GEDitCOM II is a genealogy application for MacOS X that sets the standard for ease-of-use, for editing genealogy files, for a customizable user experience, and for power features allowing the greatest access to your genealogical data. GEDitCOM II is a complete rewrite of the former GEDitCOM application.

Best Free Genealogy Software Mac

Review the features of GEDitCOM II. Then, Download a free demo to try out those features, including importing your genealogy data from another application. When you are ready to buy, simply purchase a license that will unlock the demo version you already downloaded. If you choose not to buy, GEDitCOM II will switch to a free 'reader mode' you can use to view GEDitCOM II files or to open genealogy GEDCOM files created by any software. You can still purchase a license and it will convert the 'reader mode' back to the full version.

FreeGenealogy Software Mac Free

Genealogy Programs For Mac Free

Browse free open source Genealogy software and projects for Mac below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Genealogy software by OS, license, language, programming language, project status, and freshness. Best Free Genealogy Software For Mac Os; About iFamily for Mac. IFamily for Mac is a richly featured Genealogy application with a healthy community of users. This is the genealogy application that Mac users have been waiting for! Whereas other genealogy software tends to emphasize the family unit, this software's focus is on each individual person.

Users of the GEDitCOM application (which no longer works because Apple has deleted the 'Classic' environment) cn switch switch to GEDitCOM II for only $19.99. To see all the new features in action, download the demo and open any of your previous GEDitCOM files. Your old files are 100% compatible with the new GEDitCOM II.

Ancestry App For Mac

  • Date Calculator — Date calculations for genealogists. It is free with purchase of GEDitCOM II but can be purchased separately as well.
  • PublishPlot — Easily create publication-quality plots for scientific journals, other publications, or just because you want nice-looking plots.
  • Computational Mechanics Software — material point method (MPM) and finite element analysis (FEA) software.